May 20, 2022 | Terrabite » View recording
Speaker: Carl Becker, Ph.D., Vehicle Dynamics Group, University of Pretoria
Carl Becker’s work looks at the importance of using artificial terrain in a laboratory environment that is representative of in-field terrains to characterize tyres and the effect of tyre wear.
The presentation will cover the doctoral work Carl did to investigate changes in tyre characteristics with tyre wear, terrain interaction, and terrain characteristics of large lug tyres.
ISTVS has been hosting online events for research on terramechanics and terrain-vehicle systems under our Digital Event Series since 2021. Recordings from the series are posted to our YouTube channel. Make sure you’re subscribed to the ISTVS Newswire to keep up on upcoming events.
Speaker Bio
Carl Becker
Carl Becker is a Researcher at the Vehicle Dynamics Group of the Department of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering at the University of Pretoria. After finishing the practical work on his master’s degree, Carl started working full-time in 2008 in the defense industry as a Test Engineer at a company designing and manufacturing Landmine Protected Vehicles. There he was managing the Test Department for two years. Highlights included the full spectrum of land mine tests on vehicles as well as ballistic testing in South Africa and Germany and applied research on the products the company supplied to the industry. In 2010 Carl joined the Vehicle Dynamics Group as a research officer. At the Vehicle Dynamics Group, his research includes vehicle dynamics, conceptualizing, designing, manufacturing, and commission measuring equipment and tyre test rigs, in the form of terrain profilometers, wheel force transducers, static, dynamic, and damping tyre test rigs.