March 7, 2024 | Terrabite » View Recording
Speaker: Paweł Tomiło, Ph.D., Lublin University of Technology
The session will introduce the hybrid-locomotion rover concept. The design of a hybrid robot combines the characteristics of wheeled and legged robots. The rover is equipped with a crawling mechanism that will allow it to climb steep slopes areas where a wheeled vehicle could slip due to loose ground. The concept of the rover will be discussed, the current state of research, and future work on the development of the rover will be presented.
Pawel Tomilo
Paweł Tomiło received his Ph.D. degree from Lublin University of Technology, Poland, in 2023. He is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Quantitative Methods in Management at the Lublin University of Technology. He has authored or co-authored 8 journals and 7 conference publications. His research activity focuses on artificial intelligence, neuroscience, and mechanical engineering.
ISTVS has been hosting online events for research on terramechanics and terrain-vehicle systems under our Digital Event Series since 2021. Recordings from the series are posted to our YouTube channel. Make sure you’re subscribed to the ISTVS Newswire to keep up on upcoming events.